TO KISS THE SEA Character Art: Maher Villaon

Time for the next incredible TKTS character art done by @celipher !

Maher is one of the MCs of the book and Ally's best friend in the world. He was also one of the most popular characters among the beta readers!

And if you know anything about Maher's personality, you'll know he'd feel he absolutely deserves it. 😂


QOTD: What about Maher caught your eye first?


[Image: A digital art piece of Maher Villaon, one of the main characters of the fairytale retelling novel TO KISS THE SEA by @ccwriter_ ; Artwork created by @celipher . Maher is a tall, slender man in his mid-twenties. He has dark brown skin and chestnut eyes, with wavy black hair, a close-cropped beard and heavy brows. Maher is leaning against a brownstone building, one side of his face illuminated by the orange glow of a lantern. He's looking down at the large silver coin in his hand. He's dressed in a forest green high necked waistcoat and trousers. Delicate embroidered details, done by Ally, line the front if his waistcoat and the wrists of his offwhite shirt. To the left is a wide door with a bear's head knocker, and a sign above that reads: The Bear's Den.]


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