A Surprise TKTS Update!

The second version of TO KISS THE SEA is finished and has been sent to the beta readers!

All I can say is my CP (critique partner), my lovely editor @rowe_carenen, and I were very busy the last two months! We got the new TKTS, split up from the original to create the first two books of a trilogy, done in record time.

I'm taking the next week off to rest my brain a bit, then it's full steam ahead for Book 2!

Meanwhile, some of the post topics I have planned for February include:
- Brainstorming
- A new What Am I Reading Wednesday (Fans of @emilyrathauthor should keep an eye out!)
- Working with an editor (Even if you hope to traditionally publish.)
- A sneaky reel or two

QOTD: Which of the February topics are you most interested in? I'd love to get some good discussions going in the comments!


[Image: The camera is sitting on a long wooden table facing one end. At that end is a tall stack of books. Behind the books, a young white person in a dark green T-shirt is hiding their head.]


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