Writing Resources: Friends Who Support Your Dreams!

What Am I Reading Wednesday has been postponed until this weekend. Which, I suppose will make it a What Am I Reading...Weekend post?

Either way, you won't be disappointed!

Today, I just wanted to pen a quick note about a commonly overlooked writing resource: The support of those around you.

A big reason many beginning writers are uncomfortable sharing their dreams and goals, aside from the natural wariness of putting yourself out there, is the (unfortunately) inevitable skepticism you can face from people around you.

Here are a few choice responses I've gotten:

"Is your writing even any good?"

"I wouldn't want to spend time writing anything when I don't have to."

"But...you're going to have a regular job too, right?"

These are within the usual range of comments people can throw out at you, whether or not it's coming from a truly critical place depends on the person or situation, some people just don't know how else to respond. Thankfully no one has outright discouraged me from pursuing my writing, but it can still be difficult talking about it.

That's why I am SO grateful for my friends and family who do encourage me, even if they aren't particular interested in reading or writing, they care enough to know what's important to me.

I was thinking about this today while using a gift a friend of mine gave me this past Christmas. It was just a small gesture on her part, but it's been a really helpful tool for me.

Ta da!

If I'm ever feeling stuck on a WIP or an outline, I can pull out my book of writing prompts and pick one to answer. Just that effort of getting out of my own head and thinking about something new can help me refocus when I move back to what I was working on. The best part? The prompts are so random and quirky, I'm able to surprise myself sometimes with the answers I come up with!

Well, this concludes our writing resource thoughts for today. Do any of you other writers out there have a specific memory of a time when you got the encouragement you needed?


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