How I'm Tracking My Open Queries

Happy Friday Writing Desk Readers!

As many of you already know, I started the query process for my book Apparition last September. Since then, I've had a few questions about how I'm tracking my query progress.

Of course, there are ready-made tools online like Query Tracker that also allow you to look up agents and see if they are currently accepting submissions. (If their profiles are up to date.) Two of the agents I've queried even use an online form that links directly to Query Manager once the submission form is completed. I don't know if Query Tracker and Query Manager are connected, or if they're run by separate companies. But I'll be happy to do some research and provide the results here on the blog.

As for me, I also like to use my own method for tracking the queries I still have out on submission, the queries that have been answered, and the list of potential query leads I haven't researched or sent out yet.

This is a condensed version, so it would all fit for the screenshot, but you can get the idea. I like to be able to adjust the information I keep from each query result.

Actually, I want to share my first query experience/results with everyone, but I'm saving that for a separate blog post.

To finish up, here are a few of my favorite query writing and submission resources:

Kim Chance:
How to Write a Query Letter
How to Find Literary Agents to Query
How to Survive the Query Trenches

Lyn Fairchild Hawks:
What It's Like to Be On Sub
On Querying Agents: What's a Personalized Rejection?
Don't Despair When Your Agent Leaves the Business

See you next week!


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