To Kiss the Sea Poem #9

 Maher & Ally in Kingsport Market:

“I wonder what I should get for your mother this year?” He scanned the stalls ahead. “Some Balahn wine, perhaps?”
Ally grinned. “Mama would love that. It’s nice when she can get things from her homeland.”
“How long has it been since she last visited?”
“Not since she and father were married. They stopped there on their wedding tour.” Ally was sure her mother would have gone back to Balah before now, if she hadn’t been so worried about leaving Ally. There was no way Ally would have been able to go with her, she couldn’t even set foot on a ship…
“Hey,” Maher looped his arm through hers. “None of that. I’m missing out on some much-needed sleep to help you choose a gift for Rochelle’s birthday. It’s your job to keep me entertained.”
“Is it?” Ally squeezed his arm. “That’s funny, considering you were the one who made the choice to stay out all night.”
“A minor detail.”

- TO KISS THE SEA by C.H. Carter


©Poem & background image by: @foraoise.writes for TO KISS THE SEA by @ccwriter_


[Image: A brown paper cutout of a girl with long hair, facing away towards a cliff where a mermaid lays at the base. In the sky are a paper bird and clouds. Written in the center is a poem: "There was a time, long ago, where the ocean was new, lived two great friends, dearest of heart as can be. The girl child Ally, was the sea, wild and free. The boy child Maher, was the shore, steady as can be. Many days passed with their laughter and joy dreaming of adventures and much more, together on their island’s shore. Though Ally feared the water, which was so vast and so wild Maher stayed by her side, patient all the while. O’ may it be all those who fear the waves, have a friendship like theirs, and in turn be brave!"]


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