UPDATE: James Patterson Co-Author Competition

Evening All!

Today's "What Am I Reading Wednesday" post is being postponed until next week. (Sad, I know! But it's going to be a good one, I promise.)

Instead, I wanted to update everyone on the James Patterson Co-Author competition that I entered last month. (If you need a refresher on the details, you can find them in my blog post titled: "I've Entered a Contest! (What Was I Thinking??)".

Yesterday, the top ten semifinalists were announced by MasterClass. Unfortunately, yours truly was not among those ten writers. Trust me, if I was this post would have started with something along the lines of: "OHMYGODIACTUALLYMADEITTOTHENEXTROUNDSOMEBODYPINCHME!!!!"

Sorry the quality isn't better, but this pretty much sums it up.

Or maybe something a little more dignified, who knows?

Either way, I wish the ten writers who did make it into the semifinals a hearty congratulations! The three finalists will be announced at the end of April, with James Patterson choosing the winner in May. A very rapid timeline for a contest this size, especially considering they had literally thousands of entries!

For me, the experience of participating in the MasterClass and preparing all of the materials required for submission was well worth the experience. Granted, it would be fantastic to receive feedback on why my submission wasn't selected, but again with a competition this size there's no way they'd be able to critique each entry.

So there you have it, my foray into this particular contest has reached its end. But I shall not be discouraged! This is all part of the process, especially if you make the decision to enter competitions, which I highly recommend if they are reputable. (Soon we'll have a blog post devoted entirely to writing contests, some tips for submitting, and what to watch out for when selecting a contest to enter. I'm pretty excited about this one!)

And now I'll leave you with the below parting words from Mr. Patterson:

I had to do it!


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