Apologies for the Delay!

Hello Everyone!

My sincerest apologies for not updating on our last two scheduled post days! I have been dealing with two very sick puppy dogs.

Did anyone else know it was possible for a canine stomach virus to hit a whole neighborhood? Well, now I do. We've been up multiple times a night for nearly a week as this thing has worked its way through the pups' systems. (Don't worry, we consulted with the vet and they suggested home remedies first before bringing them in.)

My biggest tip from this experience: When your dog has any kind of stomach problem, make sure they know you're not upset with them for having accidents in the house. It's not their fault. How many of us have been hit with a sudden bug before, it's rough. It will make them a LOT less anxious and make the whole experience just a little bit easier.

Also, boiled chicken, white rice, and chicken baby food are your friends! (Assuming your dog has no weird allergies.)

The good news is that both of them are now on the mend and are no longer waking up sick in the middle of the night! Regular posts will resume next week!


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