The Dinner Party Show - #TDPS2pointOMG!

Quick announcement!

As I mentioned when The Dinner Party Show podcast was featured here on the blog as a Writing Resource, the hosts of the show (Christopher Rice and Eric Shaw Quinn) were in the process of transitioning from audio-only to a new video format.

Well, the new "#TDPS2pointOMG" is officially here!


The new show actually launched a few months ago, I just hadn't announced it on The Writing Desk yet...bad Courtney!

The point is, the new show format is here, and it's fantastic, and holy shit Jordan Ampersand has been made into a puppet! You can tune in to the show on the TDPS official website or on their Youtube channel


The #TDPS2pointOMG Launch Video!

Housekeeping Note:
It was brought to my attention that the settings on blogger were keeping people from leaving post comments. I've reset the settings, so please let me know if anyone has any trouble going forward.

I'm hoping to have a new 'What Am I Reading Wednesday' post for next week! How did everyone feel about the "sneak peek" that was posted about last week's book? Let me know!


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