TBTD Proof Copy

In case you missed it, my proof copy of TBTD arrived yesterday!!

It looks absolutely gorgeous 🖤 @smaldo.designs did a wonderful job creating a cover that matched the theme of TKTS but still included some unique elements for the sequel!

Release Date: 14 May 2024

What to expect in TBTD:
🌊 Epic fantasy
🌊 Mermaids, pirates, and spies - Oh my!
🌊 Found family
🌊 Friends-to-lovers
🌊 Slow burn
🌊 Mental health rep
🌊 Multi-POV
🌊 Queer normative society

Have you read To Kiss the Sea yet?


[Image: A sunny view of the edge of a small section of green trees. A hand with a small ampersand tattoo on the wrist holds the proof "not for resale" copy of TO BRAVE THE DEEP by @chcarterwrites : A bright blue sea melts into darker shades of the ocean floor and the outline of a shipwreck. On the right side, we see the shadow of a mermaid tail as if she's just swam out of sight.]


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