Coming Soon: Kingsport Chonicles Book 3 Title Reveal

We are only THREE WEEKS away from the publication date for TO BRAVE THE DEEP! (14 May 2024)

What better way to celebrate than to announce the title of the third and final (for now?) book of the series. 

I'm sure you've noticed by now there's a theme to the names of the Kingsport Chronicles books, so let's play a game! The first person to correctly guess the name of book 3 between now and when the title is revealed will receive a Kingsport Chronicles swag pack!

You can post your guess here in the comments, or in the question box I'll add to my stories. What do you think the title will be?

*This giveaway is sponsored solely by C.H. Carter Books.*


[Image: An underwater shot just below the surface. Above, the sun is shining on the water, making the colors fade from dark blue to orange and yellow. The words "Title Reveal, Kingsport Chronicles Book 3, Coming Soon 25 April 2024" are written across the middle.]


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