TBTD Update: Edits

WIP Update: The edits for To Brave the Deep are back and I have a busy weekend ahead of me!

I know this isn't every writer's experience, but I actually love the editing process. There's something about going back through each scene, seeing where you can dig deeper into the story, what you might not need anymore, or what could be saved for the next book!

Writers, which do you prefer, the drafting or editing phase of a book?


What to expect in TKTS:
🌊 Fairytale retelling
🌊 Mermaids, pirates, and spies – Oh my!
🌊 Forced proximity
🌊 Enemies-to-friends
🌊 Queer normative society
🌊 Found family
🌊 Mental health rep
🌊 Multi-POV


[Image: A shot of the ocean just beneath the surface of the water. A quote from TO KISS THE SEA by @chcarterwrites is written in the middle: "What was one expected to wear to bargain with a sea witch?"]


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