Greetings from the Birde Isles

Greetings from the Birde Isles!

I hinted that something fun had arrived over the weekend... Birde Isles postcards!

These are actual postcards that can be sent through the mail. 😍 I thought they'd be a fun for swag and giveaways!

And you can confuse your friends and family by making them wonder if the Birde Isles is a real place. 😂


QOTD: What's your favorite type of book/author swag?


[Image: A bird's eye view rough, dark wood table. In the center are two postcards: The right is a map of the Birde Isles from TO KISS THE SEA by @ccwriter_ ; The left is the back of the same postcard, with "Greetings from the Birde Isles" written in the top left-hand corner. Various colorful, nature themed stamps are scattered above the postcards.]


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