Author Interview: Kim Chance
Hello, Writing Desk Readers!
Please join me in welcoming my August 2020 interview guest, author Kim Chance. This is the second time Kim has joined me here on the blog. You can find her bio and links to her platforms in this week's Get to Know the Author post.
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Photo provided by: Kim Chance |
Writing Desk Blog: Hi Kim! Welcome back to the Writing Desk Blog! Our last interview was in October 2017, not long before your debut novel Keeper was released in January 2018. That was such an exciting time, what about the debut publication process did you find the most informative or helpful?
Kim Chance: Hi! Thank you so much for having me back! I’m thrilled to be here! Man, October 2017 seems so long ago, doesn’t it! In the time since Keeper came out to now, I’ve learned so much about the publishing process. It’s definitely something that continues to change and evolve over-time, and it’s not always easy to keep up with it. However, I think one of the most important lessons I learned during the publication of Keeper is that I need to advocate for myself and my books.
As a new author, I was rather starry-eyed about the whole process, and I was so afraid that if I said or did anything wrong, everything would fall apart. So, I didn’t always ask questions when I had them, and I didn’t always speak up when something just didn’t sit right with me. I also didn’t ask for things that I thought would be good for the book and didn’t make suggestions, even though I had a ton of ideas. I was scared to “rock the boat,” so I kept everything to myself. Now, please don’t misunderstand me here, my publisher treated me very well, but looking back I just wish I had allowed myself to be more involved in the process, versus just nodding my head and saying “sounds good!” to everything.
I wish I would have known that advocating for yourself doesn’t make you a “difficult author,” and it doesn’t mean people won’t want to work with you. Advocating for yourself simply means that you ask the questions. You speak up and make suggestions. You let your voice be heard—in a kind a professional way, of course.
Overall, the publication of my debut novel was a wonderful experience and my publisher was a dream to work with. But I do sometimes wonder what might have happened if I had spoken up a little more or asked for certain things.
When my second novel, Seeker, came out. I was much more vocal, and it made such a difference.
So, fellow writer friends, don’t be afraid to speak up and ask questions!
WDB: Since we last talked, the sequel to Keeper and finale of the duology, Seeker, was also released! If you could describe Seeker using three words, what would they be?
KC: Oh gosh, I’m the worst at this sort of thing! haha! Okay, let’s see…. If I had to describe Seeker in three words, I would say: Magical, Emotional, and Satisfying. Although, I think my choices are skewed a bit. They’re less about the book itself and more about how I felt while writing it, I think. See? I told you I was the worst!
WDB: How did the experience of releasing Seeker compare to releasing your debut novel, Keeper? Did you find the reception to be different as a known author versus as a new author?
KC: Well, in general, every book is different, and no two releases are exactly the same. Whether you’re an established author or someone who is brand new, every release is its own beast. And this was definitely true with my two novels.
Releasing Keeper just felt like this wonderfully magic time, while the release of Seeker definitely felt more stressful. Overall, the release of Seeker was particularly challenging for me because I felt like there was a lot of pressure on me to live up to the standards I had set for myself with Keeper. I’m my own worst critic, and I kept comparing the two releases. But here’s the thing, you only debut once, so it’s not fair to use that experience as the standard for all of your other releases. However, at the time, that’s exactly what I did, and it made Seeker’s release a bit worrisome for me. Marketing a sequel is completely different from marketing a debut, and I had the task of not only enticing readers of Keeper to return and pick up the sequel, but I also had to work towards attracting new readers who would be willing to read book one first. It was quite the challenge!
While the releases of my two books were vastly different, I think the reception was the same. A lot of people were excited to see the conclusion of the story, and I feel so very fortunate to have found such a wonderful group of readers who have invested in me and my books. They make everything—the good and the bad—so worth it!
WDB: As you’ve continued to grow your author platform over the last few years, what has been your favorite method for connecting with readers and other writers? Social media, conferences, meet-ups, or a combination?
KC: I think my favorite way to connect with readers and writers is social media. However, I like to caution people whenever I say that. Social media is a wonderful tool, but it can also be a vortex for your time and emotional energy. So, it’s important to set boundaries for yourself.
This past year, I limited myself to just one platform (Instagram) and really spent a lot of time revamping my feed and learning all the various features of the platform so that I could fully engage with my readers there. I spent a lot of time curating my feed so that I can connect with like-minded people, and I have a lot of fun taking pictures and planning my content there. I do think, however, that my favorite way to connect with readers is in-person events. I adore doing conferences and speaking on panels, and I also really love doing book-signings and meet and greets. Unfortunately, Covid has effectively cancelled all in-person events for a while, but I am eager for the time when I can meet readers in person again!
WDB: Speaking of connecting with readers, I see you’ve also begun a #SeekerWithKim readalong and discussion series online! I know this is part of the 1-year anniversary of Seeker’s publication, what gave you the idea to celebrate this way?
KC: Writing a book is quite difficult, and I am a firm believer that you should celebrate the small victories and milestones! With Seeker’s one-year book birthday coming up, I wanted to do something fun to mark the occasion. I have not read Seeker since its publication, so I thought it would be cool to read and discuss the book along with readers. Like I mentioned above, Covid has made in-person events impossible, so I thought this would be an exciting (and safe!) way to celebrate Seeker! So far, it’s been a blast!
WDB: If you are able to tell us, what’s next for you? Will you be staying with the YA/Fantasy genre, or trying something new?
KC: I’m actually about to go on submission with my new book! Surprisingly enough, it’s not a fantasy! It’s a twist on a YA contemporary rom com and it’s called, Chasing Pavements. I can’t really tell you much about it right now, but I will tell you that it’s a book that is incredibly close to my heart. I have no idea what the future holds for it, but I very much hope to put it in the hands of readers one day. Keep your fingers crossed for me!
WDB: Random non-writing related question, how are your lessons with the ukulele going? I love seeing your progress!
KC: Thank you so much! Things are going well! I’m teaching myself, so I don’t take any official lessons—though I wish I did! Playing the ukulele is a wonderful creative outlet for me. I think as artists, we all need that one thing that comes with zero pressure, something that is solely for enjoyment. That’s what the ukulele is for me. I’m not trying to become a professional musician, I just love being able to play my favorite songs and sing along! It’s a great stress-reliever, and I really enjoy sharing my progress on my Instagram account. I’m not the greatest player in the world, but I have a lot of fun and that’s the whole point!
A big thank you again to Kim for joining me today! You can find buy links for her duology, Keeper & Seeker, on her official website.
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Cover photos provided by: Kim Chance |
I hope everyone has a great weekend. Please continue to stay safe and healthy.
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