Calls for Written Pieces on the COVID-19 Pandemic & More

Hello Writing Desk Readers,

The submissions newsletter Freedom With Writing, which has been featured here on the Writing Desk as a Writing Resource, has shared a list of calls for "articles, covering topics such as art and artists, COVID-19, quarantine, city planning, homeschooling, and more".

If you are already a subscriber, the listing can be found in the 24 March 2020 Freedom With Writing newsletter. If not, the full listing of publications and compensation ranges can be found HERE (FWW 24March2020).

IMAGE SOURCE: Freedom With Writing Newsletter (24 March 2020)

Any writers with experiences/interest in these fields, this could be an opportunity to contribute your words and knowledge, and to continue to support yourselves with your writing.

No matter where your experience lies, it never hurts to submit!

If you know of any other opportunities for writers to contribute during the COVID-19 pandemic, please share them in the comments below.


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