It's Time for the #DecLitWrit Challenge!

Happy December, Writing Desk Readers!

REMINDER: There are only TWO MORE DAYS left to enter the Carolina Crimes 1-Year Anniversary Giveaway! All contest entry details can be found on the original giveaway blog post from last week.


I won't lie, this year has been a stressful one and it's impacted both my writing and engagement with the writing community more than I care to admit. So, in order to get myself back into the holiday (and writerly!) spirit, I've decided to participate in the #declitwrit Instagram challenge!

Some of you might remember when I dove into the #marchlitwrit challenge earlier this year. It was so much fun and allowed me to interact with fellow authors and readers on Instagram in a way that I hadn't been able to before.

We're already on Day 6 of #declitwrit, and today's topic is going to be a bit daunting. The topic is: Your WIP To-Do List. At this point I'm happy to say I still have a WIP, so we'll see how today's post goes!

As always, I have to give a shout out to the amazing writers who are hosting this InstaChallenge:

Be sure to follow these engaging writers and check out their posts for the challenge!


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