Radio Silence - It Happens to Us All

Hello, dear friends.

I apologize for the sudden radio silence last week. There are times when you just need to step away and regroup, and last week was one of those times.

Many of you won't know this, but I lived and studied in Japan for a while in college, and went back the following summer to visit and travel to places I wasn't able to as a student. It became a place that is very close to my heart, and even now years after my return, I sometimes have trouble adjusting. I'm not the kind of person who gets homesick, but right around this time each year I have a bought of, what my friends have dubbed, "Japansickness".

This is usually difficult, but last Monday's freak attack in Tokyo added fuel to the fire. Luckily, none of my friends or their family members were hurt, but my heart still broke for the 19 people whose lives were taken by a mentally ill individual who didn't get the help and treatment he needed. I truly hope this incident, the first of its kind in nearly a decade and one of the worst since WWII, helps the Japanese government to realize that they may need to reevaluate their treatment policies when it comes to mental illness.

All of this, the attack, the worse than usual Japansickness, has made me realize just how much I want to go back. So, I'm doing some preemptive planning to visit no later than 2018. That may seem like a long way off, but there are a lot of logistics to consider when planning a trip of this size.

Wish me luck, dear friends, and send good vibes so I can find a reasonably priced flight!

The blog will be back on course by next Monday. Hell, I might even throw in a bonus post this weekend!



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