TBTD Update

 WIP Update: To Brave the Deep is currently with my editor for review!

After I received her notes back, I'll be able to finalize and announce the release date. 🖤

More information coming in March: Paperback cover reveal, book blurb reveal, ARC sign-ups, giveaways, and something special to count down the release of TBTD!


What to expect in TKTS:
🌊 Fairytale retelling
🌊 Mermaids, pirates, and spies – Oh my!
🌊 Force proximity
🌊 Enemies-to-friends
🌊 LGBTQ/Queer normative society
🌊 Found family
🌊 Mental health rep
🌊 Multi-POV


[Image: A shot of the ocean just beneath the surface of the water. A quote from TO KISS THE SEA by @chcarterwrites is written in the middle: "You cannot take what the sea is not willing to give."]


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