TBTD Scene Cards

It's been a while since we've talked about scene cards!

Since To Brave the Deep is the sequel to a finished novel (TKTS) and I already had the outline, I didn't think I'd need scene cards this time around.

I was wrong. 😂

It turns out, these cards help me focus on exactly what I need to do next. I still don't write in order (probably never will!), but I can pick the next card I'm ready to write and not have my mind wander to other scenes.

📓 Cards with no pins are completed scenes

📘 Blue & green pins are scenes I need to finish

📕 Red pins are scenes I still need to write

I love having a visual representation of my progress and removing each pin for a finished scene is a little win! 📌

Do you use scene cards or story boards?


[Image: A blue framed corkboard filled with white index cards. Written on the cards are all of the scenes planned for TO BRAVE THE DEEP by @chcarterwrites ]


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