11 DAYS until TKTS

11 DAYS until TKTS is released!

I think there's a little confusion happening here! Are there any books you love that include a case of mistaken identity?

Reminder: The ebook is currently available for pre-order for only $2.99 (US) 🖤


What to expect in TKTS:
🌊 Fairytale retelling
🌊 Mermaids, pirates, and spies – Oh my!
🌊 Force proximity
🌊 Enemies-to-friends
🌊 LGBTQ/Queer normative society
🌊 Found family
🌊 Mental health rep
🌊 Multi-POV

(Pre-order link in bio)

[Image: An overlay of bubbles covering a woman in a gauzy, flowing gown floating underwater. A quote from TO KISS THE SEA by @chcarterwrites is written across the middle: "You're not a goddess, or a spirit, or even a damned selkie. You're..." she searched her memory fro what this fake goddess could possibly be, reaching for the buried stories Esa had told. "You're nothing but a sea witch!" -Ally]


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