Writing Desk Blog 5th Anniversary - Book-A-Week Giveaway! (Week 1)

On 21 March 2021, the Writing Desk Blog will turn five years old! 

To celebrate, I'm giving away one book (plus bonus prizes!) each week leading up to my blog anniversary! There's no set theme for the giveaway books, the genres, content, and reader age-range will vary.

Let's kick things off with the Week 1 giveaway below: 


Writing Desk Blog 5th Anniversary Giveaway - Week 1:

First Place Prize: One (1) paperback copy of Grammar Girl's Quick and Dirty Tips for Better Writing by Mignon Fogarty


  • FOLLOW me at (@ccwriter_)
  • LIKE the corresponding giveaway post
  • For a BONUS entry, COMMENT on the post and tell me your favorite writing or outlining trick


  • FOLLOW me at (@CCwriter_)
  • LIKE the corresponding giveaway post
  • For a BONUS entry, COMMENT on the post and tell me your favorite writing or outlining trick

Writing Desk Blog:

  • COMMENT on this post and tell me your favorite writing or outlining trick
  • For a BONUS entry, SUBSCRIBE to receive email update from the Writing Desk Blog



Entries will be accepted until Friday, 05 March 2021 at Midnight EST

The winner will be randomly drawn once the entry period is over.

Good luck, everyone! 

*This giveaway is sponsored solely by the Writing Desk Blog. I am not sponsored by Mignon Fogarty

*No Purchase Necessary
**Entries received from outside the United States will only be allowed within the parameters of official International Sweepstakes & Contest Laws


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