TKTS Quote of the Day (01/09/2024)

I played that game where you open a book to a random page and the first quote you point to is the one to share. This is what I landed on!

Any guesses on who this quote belongs to??


What to expect:
🌊 Fairytale retelling
🌊 Mermaids, pirates, and spies – Oh my!
🌊 Force proximity
🌊 Enemies-to-friends
🌊 LGBTQ/Queer normative society
🌊 Found family
🌊 Mental health rep
🌊 Multi-POV


[Image: A shot of the ocean just beneath the surface of the water. A quote from TO KISS THE SEA by @chcarterwrites is written in the middle: "This journey we're on together can go one of two ways, my lady. You can behave and stop trying to bash my crew's brains out, and you'll be made comfortable. Or, I can have you bound to the figurehead for the rest of the voyage and maybe you'll survive long enough to make it home."]


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